CONCESSIONS COMMISSIONThe objective of government procurement of inputs (goods, works, and services) is to ensure the quality, economy, efficiency, transparency, fairness, and timeliness of the acquisition of inputs. Good procurement allows the government to fulfill its obligations to citizens and visitors to the country. It is always good to purchase the right quality materials, at the right time, in the right quantity, from the right source, and at the right price.
Is a dashboard that provides businesses as well as procurement/concession practitioners with access to all procurement and concession related actions that takes place within a given annual circle.
The vendor registry enables the collection of key information from vendors that supply/render goods, works, and services for all public entities, and those information relating to each vendor are recorded into an online and offline systems for use by public procurement institutions. All vendors listed within the vendor’s registry are eligible to participate in government procurement activities.
Is a process that involves the formal receipt of complaints/appeals, collection of evident in relations to said grievances, evaluation of such evidence and conclusion with a professional and legal resolution.
Is a platform that provides services which make use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The three main components of e-services are: service provider, service receiver and the channels of service delivery that are specifically use to provide public procurement and concession online services.
These are important detailed information that are related to bid/tender or information relating to any offer made by an investor, trader, or dealer to buy an asset or to compete for a contract.
No objections detailed the necessary information about a bid/tender or information relating to any offer made by an investor, trader, or dealer to buy an asset or to compete for a contract.
All Rights Reserved 2023 © Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) | Executive Mansion Grounds, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia.
Sole source procurement is one in which only one supplier can provide the commodity, technology and/or perform the services required.
National publicity of invitation to bid on the contract for projects, with lower technical qualification requirements than international competitive bidding, allowing smaller firms the ability to compete.
ICB is the standard competition method used within the Agency under formal bidding for acquiring goods and services. The NCI Agency ICBs are issued under sealed bidding procedures known as Invitations for Bid (IFB).
restricted bidding means a procurement method whereby only suppliers who are invited by the procuring entity may submit a bid; Sample 1. restricted bidding means a competitive procurement method whereby only the economic operators preselected by the licensee may participate in the procurement process.
Request for quote (RFQ) is a process wherein an enterprise asks a set of potential suppliers or service providers to submit their price quotations and stand a chance to supply or provide goods or services.
All Rights Reserved 2023 © Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) | Executive Mansion Grounds, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia.