




Monitoring Compliance
National Development


Monitoring Compliance
National Development


Monitoring Compliance
National Development


Complaints, Appeals, and Review Panel (CARP)

Overview of CARP

The Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel consists of five (5) persons, three (3) of whom shall be qualified and licensed lawyers, while two (2) of such persons shall be non-lawyer who have significant experience in the Procurement or Concession process or in matters relating to the administration of Procurement or Concession contracts.  Members of the Panel are appointed by the Persident of Liberia an dthey are meandated to do the following :

  • Decide complaints and appeals to the Comission made pursuant to the provisions of part VIII of the PPC Act;
  • Advise the Commission on regulations and procedures proposed for adoption;
  • Advise the Commission on standard form contracts and other documents proposed for adoption; conduct hearings and make findings of fact in debarment cases; and
  • Based on its experience in resolving complaints and appeals and conductiong hearing, advise the Commissioners and the Executive Director as to potential improvements in the PPCAct and in the regulations, guidlines or procedures of the \commission.

The Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel consists of five (5) persons, three (3) of whom shall be qualified and licensed lawyers, while two (2) of such persons shall be non-lawyers who have significant experience in the procurement or Concession process or in matters relating to the administration of procurement or Concession contracts. Members of the Panel are appointed by the President of Liberia and they are mandated to do the following:

  • Decide complaints and appeals to the Commission made pursuant to the provisions of Part VIII of the PPC Act;
  • Advise the Commission on regulations and procedures proposed for adoption;
  • Advise the Commission on standard form contracts and other documents proposed for adoption; conduct hearings and make findings of fact in debarment cases; and
  • Based on its experience in resolving complaints and appeals and conducting hearings, advise the Commissioners and the Executive Director as to potential improvements in the PPC Act and in the regulations, guidelines or procedures of the Commission.
CARP Members
Cllr. Kpoto Gissie

Cllr. Kpoto Gissie is an experienced Liberian lawyer and astute public servant. He holds a Bachelor of Laws(LLB)Degree from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law of the University of Liberia. Cllr. Kpoto has been in the legal practice since 2009 and is a member the Liberia National Bar Association. He previously worked with the Ministry of Justice where he served as Prosecutor, County Attorney and Legal Counsel.

Cllr. Gissi comes to the Panel with worth of courtroom experience and has worked for several legal institutions including the Constitution Review Committee, and Kemp and Associates Law Chambers. He was appointed by His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah to serve on the Complaints, Appeals & Review Panel.

Atty. Beyan G. Mulbah

Atty. Mulbah is a member of the Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission. He was appointed by His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah to serve in this capacity.

Atty. Mulbah is a 2017 graduate of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia and an Attorney-At-Law. He is also a member of the Liberia National Bar Association.

He became an Attorney-At-Law on May 15, 2018 and presently works with the Heritage Partners & Associates, LLC as an Associate. Atty. Mulbah’s practice includes legal representation and negotiations, legal advice and due diligence reports, litigation and debt collection, drafting legal instruments, etc.

He holds a Legum Baccalaureus (LLB) and A Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Liberia.

Fredell W. M. Barkun

Mrs. Fredell W.M. Barkun is a member of the Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel. Similarly, Mrs. Barkun was appointed by President George Manneh Weah to serve in this capacity.

Mrs. Barkun is a 2019 graduate of the University of Liberia with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree. She also holds a certificate in computer software from the National Vocational Training Institute located in the Republic of Ghana.

Isaac C. Woods

Mr. Isaac C. Woods is a member of the Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel. He was appointed by His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah to serve in this capacity.

Mr. Woods is a 2010 graduate of the African Methodist Episcopal University with a degree in Management. He is also a graduate of the Liberia Institute for Public Administration with a diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation. Mr. Woods is a candidate for a Master Degree in Management at the University of Liberia.

He has worked with the Liberia National Red Cross as a Program Officer and head of the Monitor and Evaluation (M/E) Department of the E-Cap II project that was implemented in District #3, Grand Bassa County. Mr. Woods also worked as the General Manager of the Ziggie Enterprise.

At the Complaints, Appeals and Review Panel, Mr. Woods brings a wealth of experience and has been instrumental in ensuring the panel is effective and efficient in its activities.

CARP Opinions

These are opinions render by CARP Members base on the nature of cases or complains review by this body over the year in review. The specific opinions of a CARP will depend on the complains.

CARP Complaints Details

When filing complaint with a CARP,it typically involes severals key detais to ensure the Complaint is properly processed and evaluated.

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